
We provide; structured, creative sessions that are flexible in content and can incorporate curriculum development in: 

Woodland skills: using green wood working tools to make pot stirrers, toast turning tongs, butter / spreader knives , we can split wood using a froe, shape wood using a small hatchet (for older children)  and a draw knife, saw wood and make wood bundles for faggots, we can make small boats and rafts,musical instruments,and do a charcoal burn. 

Bush craft skills :

lighting and cooking on a fire, using a storm kettle, making a den/ shelter, tracking and looking for animals and birds. Nature knowledge, by developing tree identification looking at bark, seeds, buds, leaf shapes etc..  learn about coppicing and sustainable wood land management. 

Gather and build on plant knowledge – make a salve or  be instructed in wild first aid.

There is a lot of research which indicates that learning and confidence are improved by out door and nature inspired activities.  Self-  connection and a sense of peace are improved by contact with nature. Struggles in learning and connecting to others can be relieved by learning outdoors. 


We can also include:

permaculture, sustainable design in action, useful in all circumstances , 

creativity and self –expression, including poetry, art, dance and drama

Children can:

  • Gather, saw and bundle wood
  • light a fire (with a fire strike) boil a kettle and cook simple food safely
  • Learn to use tools safely and make things
  • Play games using their senses, imagination, sounds and movement
  • Make stories, songs and poetry
  • Work in teams, pairs and alone
  • Go gathering, finding, hunting and eat fruit-forest garden
  • make maps, designs and drawings
  • look and learn about birds, insects, fungi, trees & wild flowers
  • charcoal making (coppice college only)DSCF7024

Please go to our Policies page to download our policy documents.