Earth play forest school we provide opportunities for children to reconnect in nature.
We are offering:
Well planned, fun and stimulating learning opportunities for children in the new Naturewise Community Forest Garden. It has a beautiful round wood timber framed building with a wood stove to keep warm on cold days. Its set in 5 acres of meadow and woodland which has been planted with fruit and nut trees, fruit bushes and herbs . There are 2 streams which run along its borders and you enter the garden across a beautiful bridge.
We provide engaging activities to direct the child’s energy, learning and skill development while also giving choice and flexibility for children’s differing needs.
We like the flow learning model which means if you have fun and let off steam you are more open to concentrate and enjoy listening to bird calls and naturally learn things.
We have the means to include
- bush craft skills, lighting fires safely, cooking and foraging for both edible and medicinal plants. Using simple tools to create a campsite sawing and splitting wood, using a whittling knife to make food stirrers or butter knives.
- nature observation and knowledge, building up our experience of plants, creatures, weather, birds and trees. This builds our confidence, interest and care for the environment.
- poetry, movement, drawing, singing, drama, play and stories. Engaging our creativity and expression, sharing ourselves and enjoying our imaginations.
- green wood working skills, building simple things with wood from the site that we need or for fun, play and decoration.
- Games that involve working together in teams and pairs, moving round the site having fun and challenges. Playing games that also develop the senses and awareness of the environment: listening quietly, really looking at the wonderful shapes, patterns and colours everywhere. Practising slowing
ourselves down.
What’s happening now
There has been very little forest schooling since 2022 because the forest garden has needed so much attention, however all that is going to change from 2025.
Forest school leader Claire Turner
Level 4 Forest schooling and Level 4 managing a holiday play scheme
member of the FSA
01239 621 039 / 07732 861104
From Cardigan town take the A484 towards Newcastle Emlyn , cross over the round about and take the first left into the Parc Teifi Business park. Head towards the police station, go past this and though the pedestrian gate in front of you. You can drop off children here.

Experiencing how nature works and feels, it’s: shapes, colours, textures, season changes and needs.
Having fun, developing confidence and making friends, while learning new skills.
Exploration and experiment.
There are plenty of opportunities to learn throughout the sessions, about the plants, trees, birds, and insects around us. We tie nature knowledge into all the games and activities and give time in each session for children’s natural inquisitiveness to grow.
We want to keep the children safe in an environment where they will engage in some risky activities. We do a benefits and risk assessment for all our activities. If you want to view our polices which cover every eventuality you can download them or view them at the college Please go to our Policies and Forms page to download our policy documents and consent forms.
The Forest garden development and activities have been supported by the Eco shop in Cardigan. Thanks to them for making this wonderful opportunity available for children and adults . To find out more about the Eco shop and the work of Naturewise see:
If you want to give your child these opportunities and can’t afford our prices please ask for a subsidised place. We want children to be able to come here and play.
See the blog for all the fun, friendships, foraging, wild first aid and opportunities for learning throughout the year.
Please go to our Policies and Forms page to download our policy documents and consent forms.